Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Time

It's finally here again and it just hasn't felt like christmas to me this year which is a bummer. But i live in a good place with awesome roommates and have made some great friends so it looks like this year is going to go out with a smile from me.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Begining of May

This month has already been one of stories to share. I went fishing up at Tibble Reservoir last weekend and caught my very first fish, with no bait, just a hook and I only cast out 4 times. I had never fished before that I could remember. We were just doing catch and release but since it was my first one I decided to keep it. I think it was a brown trout, can I just say how excited I was!!!

Also I have started my new job at Pinnacle Security working in the filling room. I have suffered many a paper cut but have also made some really cool friends. I am older than my boss and the two girls I work with. I have a friend who has recently returned from a mission to California, she has only been home a little over a month and is super cute.

I have decided to clean houses on the side and make some extra money that I can put towards a car or paying off my debt. The house I am cleaning is right by Seven Peaks and is a newer home, 3 single guys live there but are all in their late 30's. The house is pretty big, it took me 5 hours straight yesterday to clean it.... I never even stopped to take a break! But I am getting paid $12 hr.

This month is going pretty good so far, I have a goal to start working out at the on sight gym at work and get a tan and just take better care of myself and get making some really good friends.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Crystal Clear Photography

So... I am realizing how much I love to take pictures! I want to be able to eventually have a nice enough camera that I can do it for a job... It's just part of my artistic side coming out I suppose! Enjoy the few I have to show...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

About Me

My photo
I am a simple girl who just enjoys wearing flip flops, jeans and a t-shirt. I like to just chill with good people and laugh and have a good time, i LOVE road trips and being with my family. I am from Arizona and miss it terribly.